Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I know I have mentioned before how Tagen seems to be the only one who can make Aveda laugh... I wish you could have been in their room tonight to see how hard she was cracking up as Tagen was just being his silly goofy self. She laughed so hard she spit up and then got the hic-ups. As always, it only egged Tagen on to make her laugh even harder. Too funny!

Tagen's best buddy Josiah came to visit for a week along with his mama Heather. We had such a good time going to beaches and exploring different parts of kauai. I haven't seen Tagen so happy and wild as he was this past week with Josiah than in this whole time of living here so far! He would ask for "Ida" (as he calls him) every time he'd wake up from a nap or in the morning. I was very proud of Tagen how well he shared his toys and food and sippy cups and binky (unless he had just woken up of course) with Josiah. But now he is gone and Tagen is going to perpetually think Ida is on an airplane because that's where he went when he had to leave and he just doesn't quite get it that after the airplane he went back to his house. Days later he sees an airplane and says, "Ida?" ah, the mind of an almost 2-year-old.

He's learned that if he does a "no-no" and after I make sure he understand what he did wrong he needs to say "yes mama" which he emphasizes as "yeeEEESsss mmmMMMMAAAaaaama" and usually says at least 2 or 3 times like this while sticking out his belly and making his eyes wide as can be. It takes all that is in me to keep from laughing. Every day he becomes more independent and more assertive about his opinions. (And for someone only 22 months old he certainly has a lot of them!) Every day I think that surely he must have reached the pinnacle of his oppositional behavior, but then he goes ahead to surprise us by taking his oppositional behavior to new heights.

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