Tagen Train is very attune to the world he lives in. He hears new sounds, sees new things, tastes new things, smells new things and touches new things daily. The most frequently asked question from him lately is "what dis sound is mama?" whenever he hears almost any loud... or even subtle noise. whether it's inside our outside this question is asked. It's really cute the way he says it... I've gotta get it recorded some time. Sometimes I feel like he has just stepped into a foreign country and I am his interpreter for sounds, words, smells, and so on. "what's dis called?" is another common question along with comments like mmm, i yike (like) dis. and ewwww. i no yike dis.
the funniest one lately though is how he's figured out that if another kid (his sister most often) has a toy that he wants it's not the best method to grab it out of his or her hand because that usually results in time out. So he searches the premises for another desirable toy then goes back to kid A and says "you like trade?" ... it works well with Aveda right now because she couldn't really care less what toy she's playing with as long as she's got something. I can see in the near future she's gonna figure out this sly way of Tagen and have differing opinions about this trading game. then what???
until later we here in the strange land of the maligro household sign off.