Thursday, August 17, 2006

Tummy Time for Aveda

Ok, it's been like 3 weeks for our little Aveda girl arriving in to this world. It's been said by the doctors/nurses and others about how strong she is. She fully holds up her head already! Craziness for sure! Mr. Tagen aka blonde shows up on the scene. So wierd to see Tagens blonde hair and then Avedas brown hair. What is going on? Love, Dad

first time on a bike for Tagen

It came time for Tagen to have his first bike ride. I rigged up a little seat for the boy and off we went in our back yard, he was stoked! Especially, that he got to wear that helmet. *If you follow closely you'll see "ketchup" our dog biting Dads foot while we ride. Yes, we have a crazy family! Love, Dad

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Can you do that same face or what?