Thursday, December 28, 2006

christmas and things...

december 23rd we went to a full local Christmas parade with our kids and kyle's parents... too funny and super fun. Tagen just really figured out what Santa looks like a few days before this and (still) is soooo excited whenever he sees a santa. Doesn't even matter if it's a live santa or a plastic one. At the parade was the first time he met a live Santa. Here's the dialogue and pics:

Santa "hi"
Santa's wife: "you're supposed to say Ho Ho HO Merry Christmas! not "hi"

Tagen: "uh, dabaduba vroom-vroom... da wib a santa" (translation: look I got a motorcycle with a santa riding on it!)

Santa: "oooOOOOooo... akward silence. want some candY?"

Tagen then trades his vroom-vroom for some candy... but soon after grabbed his motorcyle and started gnawing on the wrapper of his candy. So what if we couldn't get Tagen to sit on santa's lap. The way he was talking about santa allllll night you'd think he did.

We DID get a cute pic of Aveda sitting on Santa's lap.

and other cute pictures too... dec.24 was mommy's b-day and we had a super fun day going out to a coffee shop in the morning and then to the beach and then to dinner at our friend's for the night. Christmas day kyle's parents and brother came to our house for breakfast and presents in the morning and we had an awesome meal at their house that evening. enjoy the pictures!

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