Monday, September 11, 2006


This day five years ago something crazy was going to happen on national television, actually it's really wierd cause I was going to be on national television. "What are you talking about Kyle?", you say. Well, just so happens that a couple months prior I got a call from some chick saying her name and that she was from the "Jenny Jones" show and so on. I was on the other end saying, "Ok, whatever, you can stop messing around already, who is this really?" Come to find out that it was the real deal. Basically, long story short, I ended up in Chicago on the show to reunite with a buddy of mine who I was surfing with at the time and he got his leg bit off by a shark and I was there with him and tied a leash around his leg to make a tourniquet and supposedly the doctors said if I didn't do that he'd probably die. I can only say that God was in control of that situation and I wasn't, glory to Him! Anyway, that episode of us being on the "Jenny Jones" show was airing September 11, the same day the craziness happened here in the USA.

So basically, it doesn't even matter to me that the show didn't air that day. What really matters is that a lot of people died and a lot of people still hurt this day because of what happened on that September 11th.

Back then I didn't have a wife. Back then I didn't have kids. Now I do and it even hits me harder to even imagine if my wife or kids for family or friends for that matter were killed in that situation. So nuts! I can't even imagine the hardship the family and friends have to deal with.

So today, I remember all of them. God please be with those who hurt and have sorrow.
God is close to the broken hearted.

Love, Dad

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