Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Aveda V. at 6 weeks

It's hard to believe Aveda Violet Maligro is 6 weeks old already. Here's a picture of this cutie-patootie with her dada...

These past 6 weeks have been pretty interesting in the Maligro household. Some moments are so psycho hard that I want to give up and then others are spectacular. To fill you in on who little Miss Aveda is at this time here are some the things she's into...

- being bounced on this big blue exercise ball for the length of time it takes to break mommy's back doing this
- taking warm baths (Tagen has been helping pour water on her belly to wash her off and he is verrrry proud of this)
- conversations with her daddy
- being held upright much more than lying down
- going for walks in the stroller (aka the bus we call it because double strollers are so looong)
- mommy's milk (which Tagen refers to as "numy-numy-nu")
- lying on a blanket in the backyard
- looking at her big brother T

1 comment:

David said...

She is so CUTE!!!!