Monday, July 31, 2006

mom's perspective on labor

labor.... this word sums it up. sort of... except for those excrutiating birthing pains also known as contractions. oh and the "ring of fire" when she's actually coming down and out of the birth canal. it's hard work to say the least. This time I got an epidural though - thank the Lord for whoever invented those! i had as low of a dose as i could handle though still wanting to be able to push effectively. hm, little did i know it wouldn't take the pain off the pushing part of things! anyways, as painful as it was to deliver Aveda into this world she took about 1/4 or at least 1/3 of the time it took to get Tagen out - thank You Jesus or for everyone praying for me! i remember telling kyle in the middle of labor that we aren't having any more babies. Ever. and then holding our little baby, it just changes everything. It is so miraculous to carry this baby and feel her moving and kicking inside of my belly for so long and then pushing her out and now holding her in my arms. it's something of a phenomenon! and somehow along with the birth of this child my love, not only for our little newborn Aveda Violet, but also for my baby boy Tagen (who suddenly turned into a big toddler while we were gone at the hospital) and my love for my hubby Kyle has increased 10thousand-fold!!! A family is such a beautiful thing! and i think i would go through that labor thing again - just have to wait like 4 or 10 years to forget what it felt like.


Anonymous said...

even if i am the only one who ever reads your blog, it is worth it! i love how your creativity shines through in your words, pictures, and video. i love watching your family grow. were the enchiladas too spicy?? i thought they were...sorry!

Anonymous said...

thanks camille for the comments! stoked!!!!!!
thanks a million and a half for the enchiladas! maybe a little too spicy for mama and babygirl but not too spicy for papa maligro.
it was really good, thanks again for your giving!!!!

Anonymous said...

i comment too:) see me;) lalallalala;) I love it!!!