Friday, January 30, 2009

Dear Tagen Train....

SO i just realized there've been a few posts that I had written yet never posted. Better late than never i suppose... This one's for Tagen's 4th birthday: January 30, 2009

Today you turned 4. FOUR... i think i'll have to keep saying it until i really get it through my head that my first-born, my little guy as already FOUR! crazy. you are so proud and i can just tell you feel so OLD when you've been able to say today that you are 4! that is too cute for words. You have a very specific look for moments like these and i can't help but smile. You raise your eye-brows, close your eyes about half way, move your eyes to the side, stick your chin out some and tilt your head a lil' bit... and then you usually put your hands on your hips while you raise your eyebrows up and down nodding your head very slowly. I hope you'll do this forever and i have a feeling you will because i've been looking through old photos and videos of you since babyhood days (because our computer had 7000+ photos on them and i was in dire need of getting them off before losing them forever!) and i see some of the same faces you make now that you made even when you were tiny... the happy, the sad, the worried, the mad, ecstatic, the bored, the frustrated, the content... you are a boy of so many expressions. This is something I do so love about you because i always know what you are thinking.

So we've lived in kauai this past year of your life and you've accomplished a lot this year... your balance is getting better all the time and you're really good at standing on your 'surfboard' down at the beach, you climb your 'monkey-bar tree' (the avocado tree) all the time with Aveda, you've learned how to hop on one foot, spin in a 360 on your heel (and you've learned it's even better when you wear socks), you make insane rocket ships out your leggos, you've taken your drawings to a new level, in the past couple weeks you decided you don't need naps anymore (at this point mom panics; your guys' naps have meant more to me than you will ever know... until you become a dad), you are almost as tall as a buffalo (well that's what the picture on your growth chart is next), perhaps the biggest milestone of this year (which occured only about 3 or 4 weeks ago is that you go DO-DO in the POTTY!!!!! yes it took you nearly a year and you sure weren't givin' in for any convincing or disciplinin' we'd give you but you apparently decided it was the right thing to do and so you DID iT one day and have done it ever since. THANK YOU! thank you. did i say, thank you?

You are definitely a cautious boy - an observer - i love to watch you watching others as this is the one time i can only imagine what you must be thinking; once you see what fun someone is having you don't want to stop once you join in on the action (i actually really really appreciate this about you, i think we may have avoided a lot of painful injuries so far because of this part of your personality)... you are the silliest kid i've ever met, LOVING to make people laugh and learning much more about what a 'joke' is... you are also the sweetest kid i've ever met (ok maybe i'm a bit biased) but seriously, you have a sort of empathy in you that makes you think about others in a way i haven't seen in other kids your age. I love this about you. You are thoughtful and contemplative and are learning to be a gentlema. I have taught you that we serve girls first and I laugh out loud at how quick you are to correct me if I accidently serve YOU before Aveda. We love you bug and are so happy to share this life with you in our family!

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