Thursday, September 11, 2008

Aveda prayer tonight...

see if you can translate... I tried as best I could through the binkie she was holding between her teeth...
um, Jeeezuuus, tank You fo taygin (Tagen) an' fo me babies an' dolliees an' my feeeeet an' my tooowzzz (as she's grabbing her toes) an' um Jeeeezuuus, tank You fo Jonah (typing does not do justice to how cute she says her lil' friend Jonah's name) an' Wyan (Ryan) an' Tofa (Topher) an' um tank You fo' mama an' fo mama an' fo me tooowzzz an' me babies an' binkie an bwankie an' taygin an' ... (sometimes she'll pause and I really think she's done but really she's just thinking earnestly about what else to pray about - pretty dang cute) an' my books, i wuv my books. And Jeeezuuus, tanks fo' dada an' mustawd (Mustard) my bed an'
Tagen interrupts and says "and aAAAAmen!"
Aveda retorts back: "NO! my still pwayin'! You go get in yo bed taygin. my still pwayin'!"
thankfully Tagen doesn't take this too personally and continues listening to her.
... and Jeeezzuuus tank You fo my toes.


Daniel Schmidt said...

Sounds so familiar... JoJo and Veda could have prayer meetings together.

Pecos Brad said...

I don't know how I got to this blog (sometimes I randomly jump from blog to blog getting lost in threads when I'm supposed to be doing something I don't want to do) but I read this blog about the childs prayer and thought it was the cutest thing I ever read. So then I browsed the rest of the blog and saw a picture and i'm like 90 percent sure that kristy maligro is the former kristy hageman (i'm not sure if that's spelled right) that went to capernwray. If that's true I think my mind just blew up! if not, then you're sitting there thinking "what a weirdo". oh well.

Brad Buczkowski

Anonymous said...

Hey it's Brad!