Sunday, April 22, 2007

This picture says it all

Tagen found these pink and green goggles at the beach last weekend and has worn them ever since. He would probably even sleep with them on if we let him. It is the funniest ever watching him run around with them on... usually lop-sided but he's actually getting pretty good at putting them on by himself ("My Try!" is the latest phrase we hear 100 times a day) and getting them to go on at least one eye correctly. There's a crab and a seahorse on them too but he calls the seahorse a sea cucumber because we always find sea cucumbers at the beach here and he's never seen a seahorse before. I love the way this little mind works.


Holly Lomelino said...

that is so hilarious! I am so excited that I get to come see all of you guys!

Annie Schilperoort Photography said...

He is so precious! I always love your updates Kristy! Every once in a while Cade will ask, "Do I have a friend named Hagen?" And then he'll giggle because he knows I'm going to say, "No, but you have a friend named, TAGEN." What goofy boys we have.