Tuesday, November 07, 2006

life on the rock

So we actually made it to Kauai and are living in our new home. It is still surreal that we are really living here - kind of feels like we are on vacation or something. But no, this is our new reality. The last days before moving was nuts and there were many moments I was wondering if we were really going to be able to pack up or get rid of or clean everything we needed to. Grandma and Grandpa from Oregon came to help which was a lifesaver. For sure we couldn't have done it without all of their help! We stayed in a Super8 motel our last week there and the last night before we left I think we were the only ones there who weren't there with the intention of partying in Isla Vista for Halloween. Needless to say it was kinda loud there that last night. We are grateful for any and all of your prayers though because God's grace proved sufficient many times. We bought 4 plane tickets for mom, dad, grandma and grandpa planning on the babies sitting on our laps... not to excited about that but that's just how it was gonna be. We ended up getting hooked up with 9 or 10 seats we could move around between... basically having the back of the plane to ourselves which was such an awesome blessing!
Grandma in Kauai *aka:Tutu* basically stocked our house full of what we needed before we even arrived here... couches, beds, crib, etc etc etc... what a crazy blessing. Maybe that's why we feel like we are on vacation living in someone's vacation house. We've hardly had to do a thing to unpack/settle in. Our "magical mystery box" hasn't arrived yet though. That will for sure take some time to unpack and organize (it's a huge 1300 pound crate with kyle's screenpress and everything else we wanted to bring crammed in all the nooks and crannies of it.)
So anyways, we're here now. It rained the first few days we were here: refreshing. Then it was super hot and humid and now the winds have changed and there's this wonderful cool breeze blowing on me right now. Some differences from Santa Barbara: 5 baby geckos living in our house, 2 large toads living in our yard - one of which i almost stepped on yesterday, and ants. lots and lots of teeny ants. you can't leave food out for 5 minutes before they discover it. oh and did i mention the chickens and roosters? sheesh, roosters here start crowing between 3 and 4am. kyle says you get used to it where you don't notice any more. i still notice. Tagen looooves them though and calls roosters "ooshers" The sunsets are beautiful here which we see setting over the ocean through our living room window and the ocean is warm and perfect for babies. Kauai is a beautiful island we have moved our family to.

1 comment:

David said...

That's awesome! I'm glad you guys had a safe trip and that you finally made it! I've always heard that Kauai is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Maybe someday I'll get to see it for myself. Take care!