Friday, August 25, 2006

This is how I feel this morning

Yes this picture says it all... this is how I felt at 1:30am when my baby girl was actually sleeping but we were abruptly woken as our stinking dog Ketchup barked his head off because a friend of ours who was sleeping on the couch rolled over or breathed or something. argh! And again, this is how I felt an hour later when Aveda did wake up to feed. oh and then that feeling came again about 4am when Aveda woke up again and I staggered out into the living room to change her diaper her and feed her in the dark. Still felt this way 15 minutes later when she wouldn't go back to sleep and then 15 minutes after that when the guys got up to go surfing for the day. Look at that picture again to see how I felt at 5am when still Aveda was awake... oh and at 5:50am when Tagen woke up screaming bloody murder for what reason I have no idea but as I was in his room I heard Aveda start crying which then made me start crying because I was so stinking TIRED! I think they both finally fell asleep again but I'm not quite sure because it was such a blur at this point. I do know that Tagen woke up for the day at 6:50am and Aveda was (and is) still sleeping as I write this at 8am. So all I can say at this point is Oh Lord a have a mercy today! because Kyle is going to be gone surfing at Point Mugu today until dark. Oh Lord have mercy. I love my babies dearly but sheeeesh I am tired. (look at the picture again)

Side note: Aveda had a doc. appointment yesterday and is over 10 pounds now! my little chunky monkey is growing quickly... oh annnnddddd we couldn't be more stoked because she now takes the binkie and this has made for a little less crying in this house. Thank the LORD!

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