Tuesday, May 05, 2009

bye-bye binkie...

incredible. it's official. we have two kids who do not need binkies. i never thought this day would come. no that's not true. i knew it would come, i just can't believe it is here. It has been over a week and lil' miss A. has taken both naps (or at least stayed in the room) and gone nigh-nigh withOUT her beloved binkie!!! For how incredible this is she really didn't put up much of a fight about it either which in an of itself amazes me knowing her strong lil' personality. I guess she was more ready than I was. I mean it really feels like the last bit of her babyhood I'm having to say goodbye to and so yes, it's true, I was more attached to that binkie than SHE was! HA, go figure.

So i had this brilliant idea of "helping" her "let go" of the binkie by asking her one night if she wanted to plant a 'binkie tree' the next morning. I told her how it would grow and grow and then lil' birdie mamas could come get binkies for their baby birdies and so on - making it sound real magical and stuff. Her reply: "no mama, i don't tink dat a veewy good ideer. i tink we sood pwant a pineappaw (pineapple) twee instead." well oookay lil' practical one. Way to burst my magical bubble (0: I'm proud of her - how easily she made this and the potty training transitions... and i am sooo thankful for her. Just can't believe how quickly she is growing up.

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